Along with having a proper breakfast this involves creating a morning routine I can stick to. I've been on my summer holidays for 2 weeks now and I've found that I've been really lazy in the morning as I don't have a routine. I think getting up earlier and having breakfast makes me so much more prepared for the day and I'm much more productive whereas when I don't have breakfast I find myself snacking all day and being super sluggish. For breakfast, I'm going to make the extra time to make my favourites including porridge and pancakes.
two. Add more movement
This one kind of links in with number one as if I create a routine I can then add exercise into it. I like to do workout videos on YouTube or I'm starting to train for 5K with the Couch 2 5K app as I'm really wanting to get into running as not only is it good physically it's also great mentally and can help to clear the mind. Even if it's 15minute yoga or an hour workout video I'm going to try to squeeze it into my day.
three. Drink more water
I feel like most people want to add this to things they want to do more of. I drink some water but nowhere near enough and I can always tell the days where I don't drink enough I find myself getting headaches. I want to buy a refillable bottle (kind of really want a love island one) as I think it will help me drink more rather than just a boring glass.
four. Less screen time in the evenings
I found that being constantly on my phone or laptop before bed massively affect my sleep. In the evenings I'm going to try to turn off my phone/laptop for half an hour to an hour before bed. With this time I'm going to read (I'm loving magazines currently either Blogosphere or Oh Comely), make a to do list for the following day or even meditate or do some yoga - which is much more beneficial than scrolling on social media.
five. Get back into my bullet journal
I haven't been using my bullet journal much recently, every now and then I write my list for the day but I haven't been doing any of my monthly pages. I changed my mind on the whole bullet journal thing, I used to try and make it perfect with pretty page designs and lot's of colours but I found it just wasn't as effective as I wasn't spending hours and hours making the pages so wouldn't use it. I now don't care how it looks I just use it for daily lists and reminders, I might try to do some monthly pages but they will not be as fancy as they use to be.
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