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A Look Back at My 2015 New Year Resolutions

A look back on my 2015 new year resolutions

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas but now that 2015 is coming to the end. In January, I posted my new year resolutions for 2015. I think it's time to share how well (or not well) they went. I would also like to take the time and say Thank You for every follow, like and comment. You don't know how grateful I am and how happy it makes me. 

one. Post twice a week 
I didn't really achieve this all year, I've had a couple of months where I posted twice and week and other months where I haven't even posted.

two. continue to enjoy blogging 
Although I didn't really complete no. 1, to me this one is more important. I prefer to be happy with every blog post I publish rather than post lots and not be happy with them. Out of the posts I've published, I really enjoyed producing them and I hope you liked them too.
Back in April, I got a new blog design so that make me love my blog again when I fell out of love with it.

one. Create a skincare routine and stick to it & have more no makeup days
Overall I'm most pleased with this one as this year I've seen a massive difference in my skin, it's still not perfect, but it's getting there. This is the help to creating a very skincare routine and not changing it for a couple of months and also picking up the courage and going to the doctors, they have prescribed me medication for me. The next thing to fix are my scars that have been left - anyone knows any great products?
Each weekend I find myself wearing no makeup with I think has helped to improve my skin massively.

two. Take more pictures
This one was more about using my camera to its full potential. I would say I have defiantly improved my photography from last year as now I always find myself shooting on manual. I hope you can see the improvement in my blog pictures. In the summer, I found myself taking a lot more pictures I think this could be due to the fact that I brought a new lens.

three. Become healthier
The one that everyone has and never normally completes... I wouldn't really say I've become healthier as in I haven't lost/put on lots of weights. My diet has improved this year, it's not perfect I still eat a lot of junk food, but it's defiantly less than last year. One thing that has improved massively this year is my sleep (sounds weird but it has) I have a set time I will wake up and go to bed every day. Due to this, I've seen changes in my energy and mood levels.

Keep a look out for my 2016 new years resolutions.

Did you complete your new year's resolutions?

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