01 January 2017
Hello 2017
2017, Lifestyle, New Year's ResolutionsHappy New Year! It's time again for my annual post where I like to share my goals for the up and coming year. If you haven't already make sure you check out my post of where I shared what I achieved in 2016. I think the goals I've set fairly realistic and hopefully I can achieve them throughout the year, I'll let you know in June and December how I got on with them and if I achieved them.
one. reduce my consumption of meat and dairy
I know people might think it's weird to have cruelty-free beauty products before cutting out meat from my diet, but that's just the way I did it. Since I've become cruelty-free I've obviously learnt bout the industry and I've come across all the benefits of having a plan based diet. I'm planning on giving Veganuary ago, starting from today, I'm not too sure I'll fully stick to it but I need to learn I can make mistakes and learn from them. If any of you are plant-based or know of any good blogs or YouTube channels please let me know.
two. Pass my driving test
I started to learn to drive last year and so fingers crossed I can pass my test this year and visit lots of new places.
three. Explore more - Visit new places
This kind of goes with number two, as if I pass I will be able to visit new places more easily. It's not about visiting multiple new countries (that would be lovely but not realistic) I mean more new cities and even new areas I've never been to that are local to me.
three. learn new things
I feel this is really important, to keep learning a new skill, I know I set it last year but I would like to change the skill this year. If you saw me What I Got For Christmas you may have noticed I got quite ab it of calligraphy and handwriting tools, which I would like to put to good use and learn how to write with the properly.
five. Improve my blog
I always want to keep improving my blog, create my own writing style and improve my pictures. Another area of my blog I want to improve is with the whole deign of it, I'm planning on changing my name to a more personal name. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled as it should be revealed within the next couple of weeks.
six. Read more books
I've never been the biggest bookworm and I don't think I'm going to achieve that wishing 2017, however, I would like to read some books. I'm setting myself a small goal of 1 a month, I know it's small but I'm hoping I can then achieve or exceed it. If you have any recommendations let me know.
All the best for 2017!
Let me know your 2017 goals.
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